Employment Agreements
& Contracts

You Deserve a Fair Agreement

Every employee has a “contract” for employment with their employer, even if it is only an unwritten understanding that the employee will provide services for the employer and the employer will compensate the employee for those services. Sometimes the parties’ agreement about the terms and conditions of employment is reflected in writing, whether in an employee manual or in a more formal written employment contract.  We can help you analyze the agreement you have with your employer, and what rights you have to enforce its terms.

In appropriate cases, we can help you negotiate a written agreement with your employer to help make sure your contract clearly sets out what you and your new employer intend. Employment agreements can be complicated, and there are many terms to consider, including how you will be compensated, what your duties and performance expectations will be, what the grounds for termination are, whether there will be severance benefits, and whether any non-competition or non-solicitation obligations will be included.

We can also advise you if your employer has violated the terms of its agreement with you.

Whether you want to understand your existing agreement with your employer, negotiate a new contract, amend an old one or enforce an agreement you think your employer has violated, our attorneys can help you. Contact us today to arrange a consultation.